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Featured Projects

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Varsha Mekup Studio

Varsha Mekup Studio is a website which is build for local Parlour for their students. Where Students can interact with the Parlour through Website. Admin of the website can generate the certificate on course completion and user can view their certficated by logging into the website. Currently it has 200 Users who are current and past students.

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Hostel Management System

It was a Academic Project to build a Hostel management WebApp for our college Hostel. It has a main website wehere Students can Interact and find their bill, pay their bill. Student had a different section for Complaining where they can register their compalain.

It has a separate admin panel for hostel warden and clerk to view the complaints and the payment received by students.

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Url Shortner

It is a Project made for shortening the long urls in small url, same as Bitly. The Project was Made Using MERN stack. This project is able to short the url and analyze number of click or number visit to the main website. It has authentication facility so that user will only be able to see their short url's Analytics.

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Secret WebApp

It is a secret blogging webApp, where user can share their secrets without revealing their identity. User Can Read Secret's of others by logging into the website